Why do I use such graphic descriptions in my books?

It’s true that reading graphically violent descriptions is not for everyone but believe me, all that I describe has been done by one person to another at some time. Martin Heard in High Risk is probably one of my most barbaric characters but I based him on a number of individuals I have met during my time working in the prison service. If you really want to believe in the depravity of someone like Heard, then sometimes vivid description is the only way to portray this.

In contrast, at other times, such as in When the Tigers Roar, I leave it up to the reader to imagine the terror each girl must feel when she sees her killer standing in front of her with a chain saw. Here, a detailed description is not necessary as the reader’s imagination can conjure up only too well what happens next.

Either way, I write about some of the worst people in our society and the damage they can inflict, but hope that I also counterbalance this with the many characters who prove that in the end goodness prevails……..although there’s always room for a loveable rogue……try reading about Ernie in Vengeance is Calling.